STE(A)M Exposure Now; STEM Jobs in the Future

Who gets STEM jobs?

Wondering who manages to score well-paying STEM-related jobs? Though a multitude of factors undoubtedly determines who lands a specific position, one thing is clear. A majority of early-career professionals report they were exposed to STEM-related education early in elementary school. The research also says that early exposure to STEM courses helps students stick with related subjects even as the material becomes more difficult in higher grades. The young professionals who hold tech-related jobs today commonly report having experienced high-quality STEAM content early in their educational careers.

The Coming Crisis

Thanks to the breakneck pace of modern technology, the United States now finds itself anticipating a shortage of highly skilled workers to fill the STEM jobs of the near future. The Department of Labor expects 65% of today’s students to fill advanced STEM positions, but each of those workers must first excel in their STEM subjects at school. Unfortunately, American parents are ill-equipped to prepare their children for technical careers, many of which don’t even exist today!

Going Beyond the Classroom

Want your child to be ahead of the pack? Don’t settle for the standard curriculum. The importance of STEM education, introduced as early as possible and consistently, cannot be overstated. We know that our schools are falling short when it comes to preparing students for STEAM-related college courses and careers. American kids need better technical programming, and they can’t wait for school districts to catch up. There’s no such thing as too much exposure to positive, high-quality STEM experiences, and you as the parent hold the key to making it happen.

A Modern Makeover

An essential distinction for today’s parents to understand is that methods for learning and teaching STEM-related material have come a long way. The lectures and textbooks of the ‘90s and ‘00s (and long before) provided static, one-dimensional lessons. By comparison, modern STEM education – which has been proven more effective – is far more robust and vibrant. It encourages children to explore, play, invent, and even make mistakes. It integrates multiple subjects for a more cohesive and comprehensive learning experience (by bridging the gap with art, for example). High-quality STEAM content prominently features real-world connections, especially when it comes to exploring careers. It can also masterfully leverage the educational applications of technology.

The Leader in NYC STEM Enrichment

FasTracKids has been a pioneer in providing early childhood STEAM programs since 1998. We offer unique supplemental programs for STEAM enrichment and STEAM careers that will complement any programs your child already attends. In just two hours a week spent in a technology-rich classroom with teachers who specialize in early STEM education, we prepare students for the NYC Gifted & Talented Entrance Exam and beyond. The results we’ve seen over the last 20 years are a testament to the fact that young children benefit when well-designed STEM programming is introduced early and reinforced often.

What drives your child?

We now know that children learn best through hands-on activities and are motivated by understanding how STEM concepts are related to real-life situations. The curricula of FasTracKids programs are built around these new insights. While some children are motivated by the prospect of changing the world or earning money, others are driven by the opportunity to help others. By identifying what motivates your child to solve problems, you’ll be better equipped to determine the learning opportunities that will most benefit him or her. We can help you make those distinctions.

Start early; start now.

If you’re the parent of a potentially gifted 3-to 7-year-old and ready to invest in his or her future, there’s no more loving gift you can give than the gift of knowledge. STEAM Enrichment with FasTracKids will prepare your child for school and life by developing critical-thinking and problem-solving skills that are missing from American education. You’ll see the benefits when your child’s IQ goes up, their learning and communication skills advance, and you watch them transition into a highly successful public or private school education. What better way to prepare today’s children for leading roles in the workforce of the future?

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