FasTracKids STE(A)M Careers
A year long STE(A)M based enrichement program

Develop confidence in STEAM skills, like problem solving, experimentation, and creativity.

Identify how to share findings with others and how STEAM professionals make global contributions.

Create & Test
Create and test prototypes inspired by STEAM innovations.
STE(A)M is the evolution of STEM education. STE(A)M is the same as STEM with “art” added in. This class lets children explore different careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math.

72 Lessons
Lessons are digitally available and include 1-2 hours of experiential activities. Kids get to clean up an oil spill like a marine biologist or design a blueprint like an architect.

Discovery Journals
STEAM journals encourage scientific thinking, brainstorming, and design. Each child will keep a log of their activities throughout the class.

Visual Aids
Visual aids come with each lesson to show students real-world pictures and videos related to activities.
Children Will Explore The Following STE(A)M Careers
Kids get to dig in the dirt to experience how paleontologists make fossil discoveries and learn about the world of the past. Explore the world of our ancient ancestors, plant and animal life from ages long ago.

Marine Biologist
Kids will learn how marine biologists help protect our oceans and sea animals. From cleaning up an oil spill to tracking sea turtles, they get to experience how marine biologists positively impact marine life.

Urban Planner
What happens if there are no roads to take kids to school or if there is limited water for a neighborhood? Students will tackle these types of challenges as they learn what urban planners do every day.

Students will learn about different artistic styles and the art and design that are essential parts of our human experience. Students will create their own masterpieces and experiment with different techniques.

Children will create blueprints and design their own buildings like real architects. From eco-friendly buildings to homes for animals, kids can let their imaginations run wild and come up with new and exciting designs.

Wildlife Specialist
Students will explore how to protect and make sure animals are around for many generations. Children will discover a love for animals and how we as humans can make sure they are safe and healthy.

Plant Scientist
Kids get to learn about plants and the technology and science that helps them grow to provide food for people. Explore different methods for planting and cultivating food.

Children will tinker and build as they design structures and buildings for people and animals. They will learn that there is no limit to what engineers can do!